Photograph by Thomas R. Kieckhefer
Dear Friend of Save The Whales,
We're giving you some ideas on how to help Save The Whales that are easy and that mean a lot to this organization. Throughout the year, we have focused a lot of attention on many issues and brought you whale and marine mammal news through our E-letters and our increasingly popular Facebook Page. Thank you for your continuing support. Much of our work has been on the very endangered vaquita porpoise. To bring attention to the vaquita, we produced a video in English and Spanish which was created through the talents of Joe Delugo. Petitions are attached to the videos or link to them in English or Spanish. Please sign and ask your friends to do the same. Accomplishments 2014
- Award presented to Maris Sidenstecker by Department of Pesticide Regulation for work in Home Depot about pesticide alternatives.
- Award for best Conservation & Ecological Organization in Seaside, CA.
- Great Nonprofit Award by Great Nonprofits.
- Award for best Environmental and Animal Organization by Monterey Nonprofit Alliance.
- California was the first state in U.S. to ban plastic bags - Save The Whales was part of 25-group coalition that made this happen.
- Expanded efforts with local cities and counties to prevent storm drain pollution which leads to the ocean.
Below are ways to help Save The Whales.
Monterey GivesAn Easy Way to Boost Your Contribution
SAVE THE WHALES will receive funding through December 31, 2014 through a giving program to nonprofits sponsored by the Monterey Weekly, a local newspaper. You don't have to live on California's Central Coast. All you have to do is click on the link below to give your contribution that will be matched to a percentage of donations received. Monterey Gives was impressed with the program Save The Whales began with Hope Services. Adults with learning disabilities help Save The Whales mark storm drains and get paid for their efforts. Students from California State University Monterey Bay are involved with the program. See the video. Even small donations matter! Get 10 friends to donate through your Facebook page and ask them to do the same!
Donate Your Car, Boat, RV or Motorcycle
Save the Whales is partnered with Cars 4 Causes� to process their vehicle donations. Cars 4 Causes� is America's 1st vehicle donation charity and specializes in turning donated vehicles into cash for your favorite charity. Donating to Cars 4 Causes� will help raise funding for Save the Whales. In addition to vehicles, they accept:
Trucks, Vans, SUVs, Boats, Trailers, Gadgets, RVs, Snowmobiles, Jet Skis, Motorcycles, Motorhomes, Heavy Equipment, Personal Consumer Electronics
AMAZON SMILE You Shop. Amazon Gives
Help support Save The Whales Inc. this holiday season and throughout the year when you shop Amazon Smile! Select Save The Whales Inc. as your charity BEFORE you start shopping if you want Amazon to donate to Save The Whales Inc.
Amazon Smile! will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases. Donations received through this program will support educational hands-on programs to school children about whales and marine life and how to protect the fragile ocean environment. Over 300,000 school children have received these innovative programs. Make a difference for whales and school children. At Amazon, a suggested purchase is War of the Whales by Joshua Horwitz.This true story tells how NRDC attorney Joel Reynolds stumbled across one of the Navy's best-kept secrets. It was the little-known effect of sonar killing whales around the world. Joel teamed up with marine biologist Ken Balcomb who had been baffled by mass strandings of whales at his research station in the Bahamas. Balcomb had been racing with his research team to collect the physical evidence causing these deaths. Save The Whales is mentioned in the book because of the action they brought with NRDC in 1994 against the Navy to stop Ship Shock detonations in the Channel Islands located off the coast of Southern California. At the time the preliminary injunction was filed, the Channel Islands were designated as a marine sanctuary but the Navy said the location was "convenient." Heard in the United States District Count, Central District, an injunction was granted, and the detonations were not approved. One detonation farther from land was all the Navy was allowed. If their plans had been granted, the blasts could have killed over 10,000 animals. It was NRDC's introduction into what would become their battles with the U.S. Navy over sonar and its subsequent killing of marine life.
Save The Whales Memberships - Donations - Renewals
Make payment online through secure PayPal! Click on the level you want to give via Pay Pal.
Checks are very welcome. Mail to Save The Whales 1192 Waring St. Seaside, CA 93955