Founded 1977
Save The Whales' purpose is to educate children
and adults about marine mammals, their
environment and their preservation.
 | NOAA Photograph Eubalaena glacialis
Sonar and Explosives
Could Harm Thousands of Marine Animals
"A Deaf Whale is a Dead Whale"
OVER ONE THOUSAND whales and other marine mammals may be killed by the U.S Navy over the next five years. The Navy will practice testing and training sonar and explosives and, in the process, kill and maim whales and other marine mammals. Whales deafened by the sonar and explosions will die, as a deaf whale is a dead whale.
Marine mammals close to the training exercises will suffer immense pain as their eardrums are shattered. The powerful sonar blasts will destroy their hearing and even cause their brains to hemorrhage. Naval sonar has already led to mass whale strandings, as hearing-impaired whales attempt to escape the noise. It may lead to loss of habitat as whales are forced to leave their normal territory, and feeding and mating will be impacted.
In addition, the tests could cause injury or death to up to nine critically endangered North Atlantic right whales. Right whales are the rarest of all large whale species with less than 300 remaining. Endangered loggerhead sea turtle nesting grounds could also be disrupted.
Please copy and email the statement below to President Obama.
Add your own words for additional impact.
Email: [email protected]
To President Obama:
The Navy can and should put areas vital to whales off limits from sonar testing. It is unconscionable to put one of the most iconic and beloved animal species at risk. The Navy's Environmental Review admits testing could kill nearly 1,000 marine mammals, cause more than 13,000 serious injuries and damage hearing of more than 3,000,000 animals.
Please set an example for the rest of the world. Killing whales with explosive detonations is no different from shooting grenade-tipped harpoons into them from boats. Whales and marine life have so many struggles: loss of habitat, loss of food sources, warming oceans, ship strikes, and net entanglement.
You have an opportunity to help these animals. Making our nation secure by wanton killing of animals should not be allowed.
Thank you.
Add: your name, street address, city and email address.
 | Morgan in tank at Loro Parque Photograph by Ingrid N. Visser, Ph.D. |
MORGAN: The Worst Possible News
Dolfinarium's transfer of killer whale Morgan to Tenerife was lawful.
The ruling at the High Court in Den Haag, the Netherlands, Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State, found in its judgment of April 23, 2014 that the Minister for Agriculture acted lawfully in granting permission for the orca Morgan to be transferred to Tenerife. In November 2011 the Minister gave permission to the Dolfinarium marine mammal park to move the whale to Loro Parque on Tenerife in the Canary Islands. Animal welfare groups, people around the world, and the Free Morgan Foundation were not convinced that this was the best option for Morgan. They believed she should have been released into the wild.
Dr. Ingrid N. Visser visited Morgan at Loro Parque and found that her front teeth are worn down to the gums, others have had more than a third worn off and yet at least one other is broken. A tooth on her right jaw is nearly worn to the pulp and may very well need to be drilled out. If not drilled, she may get a tooth infection, which could cause sepsis and death.
Morgan has also inflicted damage on herself from continually banging against the tank walls.This is termed "hypertrophic tissue damage" and is often itchy as well as sore. Furthermore, Morgan has banged her head against the tank so often that she has worn away the skin and exposed raw flesh. Yet, Loro Parque and the owner claim that Morgan is "doing fine and is in good health."
To understand why we spend a lot of time on captive cetaceans, it's because we have spent time with the engaging and intelligent orcas in the wild. What is seen in tanks at aquaria interacting with trainers, accompanied by blaring music, is not the orca.
Maris Sidenstecker I Executive Director, Save The Whales 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Thank you for signing up for our Eletters and helping us help marine mammals. We do not share our email lists with other organizations.
Sing to
Save The Whales
May 15, 2014
We invite singers and non-singers alike from schools, ecology clubs, church groups, and organizations to participate in our annual Sing to Save The Whales Day held each year in May. Eleven years ago Joan Cobb, songwriter and music teacher, wrote "Save The Whales." It is on the website for everyone to sing along
Orca Tour
Erich Hoyt
Erich Hoyt is a marine conservationist, whale researcher and author of more than 20 books. He will share compeling orca stories from his early work in Johnstone Strait, British Columbia, Canada, to current research in East Russia.
Monterey CA
Wed., May 14, 6pm
Museum of Monterey
5 Custom House Plaza
Admission $5
Santa Cruz CA
Thurs., May 15, 6pm
Sanctuary Exploration Center
35 Pacific Ave.
Admission $5
Save The Vaquita Day
July 12, 2014
Sites for Save
The Vaquita Day
New Sites
Byron's Bay, Australia
Point Vicente Inter-pretive Center, Rancho Palos Verdes CA
Virginia Aquarium Virginia Beach VA
Sites Listed in
March E-Letter
Oregon Coast Aquarium,
Newport OR *American Cetacean Society/Save The Whales-Monterey CA
Cabrillo Aquarium -
San Pedro CA
*Dr. Thomas A. Jefferson -
San Diego CA
Jorge Urban -
La Paz, Mexico
Waikiki Aquarium - Honolulu HI
*Sites to be announced
Several European countries are pending.
Contribute to Save The
Save The Whales 1192 Waring St. Seaside CA 93955
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Nodar Kipshidze