Founded 1977
Save The Whales' purpose is to educate children
and adults about marine mammals, their
environment and their preservation.
The stories below are about and written by a few of the children and young adults who have touched us with their creativity, caring and intelligence. It is what enhances Save The Whales and makes our efforts worthwhile. A circle was created: an educational organization was started by a young teenager and now, over 30 years later, children's imagination and inspiration continue to save the whales.
There are many other children and young adults deserving of recognition.To see some of them, visit Inspirations.
Grace Carberry
We first met Grace when she entered several poems in our poetry contest. This is what she wrote at age 6.
Marine Biologist
I want to be a marine biologist
And swim with whales
Protect them
And feel their tails.
I want to hear their songs
And see their eyes
Watch them splash
And wonder at their size.
I want to be a marine biologist
And study whales.
They are so beautiful
From head to tails.
© Grace Carberry 2008
Grace lives in Highland Ranch, CO where she and her siblings are home schooled by their mother. Grace is also a fine artist and has lent her skills to a fundraiser on E-Bay for the dolphin Winter.
Grace Carberry Photo by mother, Liese Carberry
When Winter was three months old, she became wrapped so tightly in a crab trap line that she lost her tail and two vertebrae. After her rescue, she was fitted with a prosthetic tail and can swim with or without the "fake" tail in Florida where she lives. After the Gulf Oil Spill, Grace and her sisters, Bethany and Hannah, wanted to help by donating their hair to soak up oil. Grace wanted to shave all her hair off, but was convinced to just cut 7 inches. Bethany and Hannah had a few inches cut off, and their mother had 6 inches removed. Grace wanted to send it in herself, so her family collected hair from the local salon, told other salons about the collection process and asked for their contributions. The hair was mailed to Matter of Trust for use in booms soaking up oil.
Riley Kolus
Riley Kolus
We met Riley after the orca Tillikum attacked and killed his trainer at SeaWorld, Orlando, FL. Riley understands the tragedy of large, intelligent and family-oriented orcas being taken from their family and held in captivity. Below is his story.
My name is Riley Kolus, I am 13 years old, and live in Burbank, California. I found out what is happening to whales and dolphins of the world when I saw the first season of Whale Wars. Assuming it would be a show about pirates at sea attacking other boats, I began watching, but quickly discovered what it was really about. After watching a documentary on the killing of dolphins called The Cove, I was jumpstarted into doing something. I started emailing organizations like Save the Whales, asking what I could do to help the anti-whaling campaign and the capture of wild animals for display in aquaria.
A few months after beginning my own campaign, my class planned a school trip to SeaWorld, San Diego. I had a conversation with the school trip planners about going somewhere else, but it was set in stone: the tickets had been bought.
On the day of the trip, I recruited a group of about 10 friends who are also passionate about whales, and we spent the day interviewing trainers and staff at Sea World, while the rest of the kids on the trip got splashed by Shamu*.
I talked to representatives from Sea World and asked what life is like in a tank for an animal as large as Tillikum. We came away from the experience, outraged that the whales and dolphins live in tiny tanks, and that NOWHERE in the park is there mention of the killing of dolphins and whales in the wild.**
After visiting Sea World, I wrote and delivered a speech Stopping Whaling to four classes at school, and was recognized at Eighth Grade Promotion for my efforts to spread the anti-whaling message. My friends and I plan on continuing our attempts to put an end to the sea mammal industry. Our current goal is to get all the Sea Worlds worldwide to educate people on what is happening to whales in the wild. If we can make this happen, I have no doubt we can stop whaling once and for all. RK
* Shamu is an interchangeable name that SeaWorld uses for multiple orcas.
** The movie, The Cove, depicts how dolphins are culled from animals rounded up by fishermen and selected for sale to aquaria throughout the world.
Sarah and Kelsey
These two young women had a lot of fun collaborating on this striking logo and are very proud of their design. Created for a school project at a University of Wisconsin, they did not imagine it would go anywhere except their portfolios. In a spontaneous decision, they decided to send it to Save the Whales as a gift of appreciation. Luckily, their hard work paid off and we love their design.  |
© 2010 Sarah & Kelsey Logo Design
The young women explain that the concept for the design came in a funky and modern form, and they wanted to create a simple and appealing logo. They decided to incorporate typography with the design and made sure that it was  |
Kelsey & Sarah
easily readable, but still identifiable with Save the Whales. The colors were chosen for a youthful vibe while appealing to all ages. It is always a dream for designers to see their design being used for a purpose, and Sarah and Kelsey are more than thankful for the cooperation with Save the Whales.
In Memory of Alison M. Rodecker
Alison died unexpectedly at the age of 23 in 2005. A marine science college student,her passion was whales, especially orcas. She was the daughter of John and Lynn Rodecker. John is superintendent of Perth Amboy, N.J. schools and every year a program is held by the schools to raise awareness about whales with programs, songs and poetry in memory of Alison. The first year's memorial coincided with the Sing to Save The Whales Day and their voices, a 1,000 member chorus, may be heard on our CD, Songs to Heal Our Planet. Every year, funds are raised for Save The Whales and the Alison Rodecker Scholarship to assist a promising marine biology student. Her parents are pleased that Alison continues to be honored through the causes she believed in and held dear.
We appreciate your continuing interest and participation in our efforts to save not only whales, but all marine mammals. The holidays are over, but we appreciate contributions and memberships all year round!
To send checks or money orders:
1192 Waring St., Seaside, CA 93955. Click here to give online.
Many Thanks!
Maris Sidenstecker I Co-Founder - Save The Whales
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Save The Whales School Programs Whales on Wheels (WOW™) programs are presented in Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, CA. These are the only school programs that bring a classroom to the student. WOW™ has traveled to many states for special events. Some classes are: Marine Mammals: Adaptations & Communication Discover behavioral adaptations and communications of whales and dolphins in their marine environment. A multimedia presentation with hands-on feeding and communication stations: learn about the food web, touch baleen and marine mammal skulls, and view blubber, krill and whale lice. The program includes listening and learning about whale and dolphin sounds.  |
©2010 T.R. Kieckhefer
Hannah in
Gray Whale Costume
A selected student wears the gray whale costume to demonstrate adaptation (for lower grade levels). Grades 1-Adult. |
Sea Otters
A Story of Survival
Explore natural history, ecology and survival of the California sea otters. This multimedia presentation, with hands-on stations, covers topics as diverse as feeding and keystone species, adaptations and survival, human impacts and pollution.
© 2010 T.R. Kieckhefer
Stephen in Sea Otter Costume
A selected student wears the sea otter costume to exhibit adaptation (for lower grade levels). Learn how you can help protect sea otters from extinction. Grades 1-Adult.
Endangered Species
Learn how species are linked and dependent upon each other within their ecosystems, and the importance of saving biodiversity. Hands-on activities will further explore the value of sanctuaries, parks, and reserves (Marine Protected Areas) as tools for conserving marine mammals.
© 2010 T.K. Kieckhefer Thumbelina Wearing Habitat Costume.
The Moss Landing Marine Labs' Quilt Guild assembled the costume.
A selected student wears the habitat costume to demonstrate how plants, animals, rocks, air, water, sun and people are all links in the Earth's web of life. Grades 2-6.
This inspired and educational interactive costume was designed by Save The Whales' educator, Tom Kieckhefer, M.Sc. After an oil spill begins to spread over the top of costume, animals begin to fall off and disappear. This graphic display brings home to children what oil does to animals and their environment.
Sing to
Save The Whales
May 12, 2011
Schools, ecology clubs, church groups, organizations and individuals are invited to participate in the annual Sing to Save The Whales Day held each year in May. After participation, add your name to our Guest Book