Your Help is Requested!
 | Face of vaquita ~ life size vaquita sculpture by Michael Lee
Great Victory: On November 14, 2012, the California Coastal Commission voted to deny Pacific Gas & Electric's application to conduct seismic testing off the Central Coast of California. By signing our petition opposing the testing, you helped Save The Whales protect thousands of animals from being maimed, deafened or killed outright. It is a great victory for the animals and for everyone one who participated - citizens, environmental and animal organizations, and indigenous people of California. Now, we need your help to save the vaquita porpoise, the most endangered marine mammal with only 220 remaining in the wild.The only population in the world is found in the Sea of Cortez, Mexico. Gillnets set for fish and shrimp have decimated their population. Little time is left to turn around their slide into extinction. Save The Whales is helping with funds to supply fishermen with GPS units so they know when they have strayed into vaquita-protected territory and for observers on boats to protect vaquita from being caught in fishing nets.
Your support would help to purchase GPS units for fishermen so they know when they have wandered into vaquita-protected territory, and to have boat observers. Save The Whales has given financial support to help in this effort but much more is needed. Donations made through Monterey County Gives! 2012 for Save The Whales are matched to a percent. Even small donations matter! Get 10 friends to donate and generate support through your Facebook page and ask them to do the same! Click on link, under Nonprofits, Click on Animals and then Save The Whales to donate. Through Monterey County Gives, donations from our members and supporters will be matched to a percentage. We appreciate any donations received but now - through Gives - your contribution will go even farther. Thank you for helping in our efforts to save the severely endangered vaquita porpoise, panda of the sea. Sincerely,
Maris Sidenstecker I Executive Director Save The Whales Great NonProfits
Voted Top-Rated NonProfit 2011