Founded 1977
Save The Whales' purpose is to educate children
and adults about marine mammals, their
environment and their preservation.
URGENT - Sign Morgan's Petition
HEARING DATE - December 3, 2013
Sign Petition by December 2, 2013
Morgan Needs Your Support!
Morgan was taken from the Wadden Sea off the coast of the Netherlands in June 2010 under a rehabilitation and release permit. Taken to a facility for medical care, she was to be released after recovering from emaciation and dehydration. Instead she ended up as a captive orca in Loro Parque, a privately-owned aquaria in the Canary Islands. She is suffering from the stress of captivity in this aquarium known for its very poor living conditions. There is evidence that she is a suitable candidate for release back into the wild, and a viable plan is in place to reunite her with her family pod. On December 3, 2013 an appeal in court will be heard for Morgan in the Netherlands. Experts and a legal staff will speak on her behalf. Please sign her petition.
A photograph taken by Ingrid A. Visser, Ph.D. on November 17, 2013 clearly shows that Morgan has continued to suffer whilst being "cared for" at Loro Parque. Dr. Visser comments that her front teeth are worn down to the gums, others have had more than a third worn off and at least one other is broken. Her teeth have suffered serious damage and, without proper attention, are vulnerable to infection, which could cause sepsis and potentially death. The photo also clearly shows the extreme damage she has inflicted on herself from continually banging against the tank walls. This is termed "hypertrophic tissue damage" and is often itchy as well as sore. Furthermore, Morgan has banged her head against the tank so often that she has worn away the skin and exposed raw flesh. Yet, Loro Parque and the owner claim that Morgan is "doing fine and is in good health." They claim that Dr. Visser manipulates data. Look at this photo and decide for yourself.
Photo of Morgan Nov. 2013 by Ingrid A. VIsser, Ph.D., at Loro Parque
Blackfish, the Documentary, Fallout
Blackfish is not just about the death of SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau in February 2010, but also about the history of keeping orcas in captivity for nearly half a century. Its premiere was at this year's Sundance Film Festival, and it has received great acclaim and praise for presenting factual information, along with interviews from journalists, former trainers and the scientific community.
CNN has aired Blackfish several times and screened interviews with scientists and animal activists. There have been torrents of comments on social media, and the majority of them are critical of keeping these large, intelligent and family-oriented orcas in concrete tanks..
Pleas and plans have been in the works for years to let some of these orcas return to their native habitat and be kept in sea pens, close to the families they were taken from so long ago.
Lolita has been held at the Miami Seaquarium for 43 years. View the moving Public Service Announcement video on Lolita's behalf. The same site tells you about The Plan to return her to native waters, an area where her mother still lives. She would be near the family she was taken from at age four.
Corky has been in captivity sightly longer than Lolita at SeaWorld, San Diego. Originally she and Corky (deceased) were at Marineland of the Pacific, Palos Verdes, CA. Then there is ill-fated Tilikum, the largest whale in captivity, taken from his mother's side at age two. Blackfish shows his sad history leading up to the death of Ms. Brancheau.
For more information, read: - A synopsis on how release could be accomplished given by Naomi A. Rose, Ph.D.
- Read about the name "Shamu" and what has happened to the many whales who have carried that name.
Photo of José Hernández, leader of Mariachi Del Sol de Mexico, with Maris I & Maris II Sidenstecker, co-founders of Save The Whales, at Monterey Bay Aquarium's Fiesta del Mar, October 20, 2013. Mr. Hernández is holding baby vaquita model, Hope.
Fiesta del Mar - Monterey Bay Aquarium
Mr. Hernández was honored at the Monterey Bay Aquarium's event for his environmental work to educate the public about the plight of the vaquita porpoise. José partnered with Save The Whales to produce radio Public Service Announcements that educate the public about the low numbers of the vaquita, panda of the sea.
During the day-long Fiesta del Mar, Save The Whales distributed information and gave out thousands of vaquita coloring books. A special craft room had vaquita projects. Our life-sized baby vaquita model Hope was present at our information table. Here, people could learn more about this very endangered porpoise, whose numbers are now estimated at 185. Learn more about the vaquita and listen to the Public Service Announcements in English and Spanish.
Monterey Bay Aquarium does not house dolphins at its facility and never has.
Rare Stejneger's Beaked Whale Washes Ashore
A female Stejneger's beaked whale - most commonly found in frigid waters - washed ashore in a most unlikely place: Venice Beach in Southern California. The Stejneger's whale is also known as the saber-toothed whale due to characteristically large, saber-like teeth of the male species. The female Stejneger's whale that washed ashore was approximately 15 feet long and was covered in bites from so-called cookie cutter sharks, which feed by taking round plugs of flesh from larger animals.
Her carcass was very well preserved, and it is assumed she was alive for a brief time when she stranded. It is hoped that her necropsy at the Los Angeles Natural History Museum will give a glimpse into this rarely-seen mammal and reveal her diet and what caused her death.
Death of Don Pachico Mayoral
Don Pachico Mayoral, the icon of San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja, Mexico, died October 22, 2013 at the age of 72. In 1972, while fishing in the Lagoon from his small skiff with a friend, he was approached by a gray whale. At that time, they were still known as the devil fish for their reputation of turning on whalers after being harpooned. Whalers would often harpoon a calf to draw the frantic mother closer to them in order to kill her. Gray whales had a reputation for smashing fishing boats to bits. Fishermen feared them and would bang on the side of their boats with a piece of wood to scare the whales away.
But on this day in 1972, a large whale surfaced inches from his boat. Don Pachico and his friend were so frightened that their legs were shaking. But the whale continued to hang out in a non-threatening manner, and Don Pachico decided to reach out and gently touch the whale. He continued to pet her until his fear went away.
Eager to share the gift with others, Pachico began taking tourists out to see the whales, and the Lagoon's now famous whale-based tourism business was born.
I am fortunate to have experienced what occurs when whales and humans come together in San Ignacio Lagoon. Some mothers bring their calves to the boat's side and support them from underneath so excited people can reach out, touch them and maybe cry a little. Don Pachico took a giant leap over 40 years ago, but so did one forgiving whale, and we are grateful to both of them. Please consider supporting membership and contributions to our organization. Thank you. 
Co-Founder - Save The Whales 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization |
Gift Giving Suggestions from the
New Item - Tiles
Orca or killer whale
 | Beluga mother-calf |
 | Sperm whale |
 | Humpback mother-calf |
These beautiful ceramic tiles are made in America. They are practical, as well as beautiful, gifts. Each art tile is individually hand painted and then fired at 1800 degrees until the vivid, jewel-like colors emerge. You could use the tiles for trivets, or simply as decoration. Combine several to form a tile mosaic or a backsplash.
Find other gift items at the
Adopt An Orca Save The Whales' Logo Keyring
Ocean Net Bracelet With Dolphin 
Vaquita Coloring Book
Large selection of T-shirts, sweatshirts and tote bags
Vacuum dock and whale tail flexible handle and stand for tablets and e-readers
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Save The Whales
1192 Waring St.
Seaside CA 93955
Graphic by Nodar Kipshidze