Dear Friends,
Through December 31, 2011, your tax-deductible donation could be doubled this holiday season. Even if you only are able to contribute a small amount, it will be doubled through the Monterey County Weekly Gives Campaign! Look for Save The Whales under the Animals category.
If you have been considering making a contribution to Save The Whales, now is the time to do so. Every donation helps support Save The Whales' efforts.
Hope is the life-sized baby vaquita sculpture made for Save The Whales. She travels to raise awareness about the vaquita.
We are working, along with other organizations, to save the small vaquita porpoise ("panda of the sea") that lives in the Sea of Cortez, Mexico. Most people have never heard of the vaquita, and yet it is the most endangered cetacean in the world with only 200-300 remaining. The main cause of death is gillnets used by fishermen and the vaquita are an incidental bycatch.
We are purchasing GPS units for fishermen in the vaquita range to train them to avoid areas where vaquita live. Trained observers will assist with this effort. We have produced radio ads in English and Spanish to spread awareness, as well as educational displays and school outreach programs.
Save The Whales is partnering with HOPE Services to provide storm drain stenciling around the Monterey Bay area. HOPE employs developmentally disabled people to engage in positive community jobs, and they help Save The Whales by stenciling storm drains with the message "No Dumping Flows To Bay" and by picking up trash. In this way, they learn that human actions on land can pollute water draining to the ocean.
Your gift or membership contribution helps us lead young people on a journey of discovery. WOW™, our hands-on educational program, has educated over 286,000 school children about whales, marine mammals, sea otters, endangered species, and sea turtles through classroom presentations with whale artifacts and activities to engage student interest and inspire stewardship.
Every week, our Facebook Fan Page features facts on marine mammals, current issues, unusual marine mammal stories, and links to sites working on marine mammal or other animal issues, for instance, the recent ban on shark finning in California.
The Stranding Network came into fruition last year and we are very pleased with the complete information for help with stranded whales, dolphins, otters, turtles, seals and sea lions all around the world. It is a valuable resource. Phone numbers and information on how to help animals while waiting for assistance are provided.
This site has petitions on the Faroe Island yearly whale slaughters; how to help the vaquita; commercial whaling in Iceland; and Non-Subsistence Whaling in Greenland.