| Alberto Romeo/Marine Photobank
PLEASE HELP Entangled and Injured Marine Mammals If approved in the U.S. budget cuts, all funding for the National Marine Mammal Stranding Network would be slashed. The network, managed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), helps fund the rescue of marine mammals all over the U.S. It was created by the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 to address the decline in marine mammals. When funded, the marine mammal rescue assistance grant program gives grants to local members of the marine mammal stranding network. The proposed budget cuts to the 2013 federal budget would wipe out almost $4 million intended to be used for the rescue of marine mammals. If allowed, the budget cuts would also mean the John H. Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Grant Program would be cut in its entirely. The Prescott Grant has been a lifeline for marine mammals and the stranding organizations that rescue and protect them. It provides funding for recovery and treatment of stranded marine mammals and for data collection. CALL THE COMMENT LINE AT 202-456-1111
Leave the following message: Please don't cut funding for stranded or entangled whales that have been put in danger because of human activities. We ask that all necessary funding for these mammals remain in place. Thank you. Other ways to contact President Obama: By mail:
The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 (include your return address and email)
You Can Join in and Sing
From Anywhere in The World
May 15, 2013
 | Children singing to Save The Whales, Bremen, Germany |
In celebration of Oceans Day, on Wednesday, May 15, 2013, we invite children, adults, ecology clubs, church groups, and organizations to help protect the oceans. This celebration is fun and, at the same time, raises awareness about the whales and marine life. You can participate from anywhere in the world. Arrange an office or school sing time. http://savethewhales.org/stwsong.html The moving "Save The Whales" song was created by Joan Cobb, a songwriter and music teacher, as a plea for the world's whales. Options under the singing whale will allow you to hear the "Save The Whales" song beautifully sung by 11-year-old Maggy May Trout (now age 20) and allow you to follow along with the words which may be printed from the website. The goal is to increase global awareness for the whales and the many difficulties they face. All of the voices raised in song around the world bring attention to the importance of protecting the oceans and saving the whales for future generations. Please join in! Arrange an office or school sing time. We need as many voices as possible to overcome the consequences of sonar testing, overfishing, net entanglement, ship strikes, captivity, loss of habitat and whaling. You may purchase the CD "Songs to Heal The Planet" by clicking here. It contains the Save The Whales song.