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Founded 1977

 Save The Whales' mission is to preserve and

 protect the ocean and its inhabitants.


Young Blue Whale
Photo by Lynsey Smith

Iceland Kills
Two Protected Blue Whales
Iceland is one of three countries including Japan and Norway that are currently whaling. This violates the 1986 International Whaling Commission (IWC) moratorium on whaling. Recently, a whaling company in Iceland called Hvalur hf. killed two endangered hybrid whales, believed to be a mix of fin and blue whales (two very endangered whale species). Whaling is not done by traditional methods, but with exploding harpoons that kill these mammals in a horrible way (although no method of killing is considered the "right way.")
Whale meat is then processed in Iceland and shipped to Japan for consumption.
Many tourists will not travel to Iceland due to their whaling practices.
A sustainable and profitable alternative to whaling is whale watching or ecotourism. People are fascinated by whales, and Iceland whalers could educate the public with their local knowledge of whale species and the ocean environment as a positive alternative. Ecotourism is a sustainable business.
Email or write respectful letters asking Iceland to become a sustainable ecotourism destination for people to watch whales instead of killing them by whaling.

Teachers Around The World
We ask that you have your students participate in a global letter writing campaign as a class project.  Students have so much influence when they raise their collective voices.
Please share this.

Katrín Jakobsdóttir
Prime Minister of Iceland
The Prime Minister's Office
Stjornarradshusid vid Laekjartorg
101 Reykjavik , Iceland
Email: [email protected]

Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson
Minister for the Environment and Natural Resources
Skuggasund 1
101, Reykjavik, Iceland
Email: [email protected]

Icelandic Tourism Board
Geirsgata 9
101 Reykjavík, Iceland
Email: [email protected] 

NOAA Photograph

 17 Days  and 1,000 Miles -
A Grieving Orca Carries Her Dead Baby 
At long last, a mother's obvious grief has ended. Tahlequah (J35) the mother has resumed life with her pod. It is thought that the death of her calf was so hard on Tahlequah because she recently lost a calf. With this infant's death and the death of Scarlett (J50), also of the J pod, it brings the number of orcas in the Puget Sound Washington area to 74 individuals making up the J, K, and L pods. We can help Tahlequah and we can do something for this once thriving community of orcas.
Orca numbers are diminishing. If something isn't done about their lack of food, namely Chinook salmon, the resident orcas will not survive. Based on estimates of their food requirements, the average Southern Resident killer whale must consume 18-25 adult salmon daily just to meet its energy requirements. 
Removal of the Snake River dams promises the greatest hope for delivering the much needed Chinook salmon that provide the nourishment for a healthy Southern Resident orca population. If the lower Snake River dams were breached, it would double or triple survival rates restoring many millions of fish to the Columbia Basin. The dams have been rendered obsolete because of aging and economic realities. Power generation has declined to about 800 megawatts of power annually. The worst aspect of this is that these dams are driving the orcas to extinction.
Ask Governor Jay Inslee to take down these dams before it is too late.
The orcas can't wait any longer. 
Call Governor Jay Inslee's office (Washington's governor) and ask him to breach the Four River Dams. The number is 360-902-4111. 

Thank you for all that you do.

M1 signature

Maris Sidenstecker 
President Co-Founder - Save The Whales
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

Save The Whales
Voted Top-Rated Nonprofit 2018


What's with FACEBOOK and balloons? They send you a birthday card to forward to your friends with balloons floating across the front of the card.
Or, to celebrate your company's business, there is an image of an office building with balloons rising into the sky.
Balloons are deadly to marine animals, No matter where you live, they kill animals that live in our rivers, streams, creeks.
and oceans.

Balloon Ambassador

Avery, our young Balloon Alert Ambassador, helps marine life.
Avery started by bringing the Save The Whales Balloon Alert flyer to local schools, participated at community events, distributed the flyers and made a lesson plan.
She reports that some principals have said they would include Avery's lesson plans in their curriculum.
This helps her reach more
ople than she originally thought possible.  
Thank you for making a difference Avery!


The American Automobile
Association has reduced-price tickets to SeaWorld and encourages its 55 million members to visit the theme park. Here they will view dolphins and whales forced to live and die for entertainment.
To learn more about the issue of captivity, go here.
Female orcas are artificially inseminated and when their babies are born, the babies are eventually removed to be sold or moved to another SeaWorld aquaria. This is devastating for the female orcas as witnessed in the previous story, "A Grieving Orca." 
You can halt this practice by the American Automobile Association. Ask them to stop promoting animal abuse.
Please call and be polite; otherwise it hurts the cause.
Member Relations at

Lolita Denied Freedom -
She Will Remain
A Captive

Lolita, the orca, was cap-tured 48 years ago and she has been living at the Miami Seaquarium all this time.
In a decision filed recently, the three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit determined that Lolita's case was unique due to her age and the continuing medical care she gets at the aquarium. There was "no threat of serious harm" sufficient to trigger a violation of the federal animal welfare law. 
This is not the outcome we had hoped for.
The Lolita Come Home Project's goal was to move Lolita from her dismal living conditions to a rehabilitation facility in Washington State.  
Here Lolita could live out her life in the waters where she was born while still receiving the care of humans. She would be close to her orca family that she was cruelly taken from so many years ago.
Save The 
Whales Giving

To give online, or give by sending a check to:

Save The Whales
1192 Waring Street
Seaside CA 93955

Kelsey & Sarah Logo

Save The Whales, 1192 Waring Street, Seaside, CA 93955
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