Released From Captivity, Loggerhead Turtle
Travels Halfway Around the World
A leatherback turtle was released on December 16, 2017 from Twin Oceans aquarium in South Africa after being hatched in Australia many years ago.
She went along the west coast of Africa to Namibia and Angola where she spent some time. She than turned around, went east past Cape Town and headed for Australia.
Scientists began tracking her journey from Cape Town two years ago. They believe she may have wanted to return to her original hatching site in Pilbara, Australia
to breed and nest.
Twin Oceans aquarium wrote on Twitter, "She has swum an incredible 35,400 km in the two years since her release - that's an amazing 48 km per day (no rests)."
Sabrina Fossette, a research scientist from Washington's Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, said it was very exciting. "This turtle spent 20 years in captivity and still, you put her in the water and she suddenly remembers she probably has something to do on the other side of the ocean and just starts crossing it," Dr Fossette said.
A kilometer is equal to about 0.62 of a mile, and a mile is equal to about 1.61 kilometers.
All loggerhead turtles are hermaphrodites.